Lesson Plan- Respiratory System

ASSURE Model Multimedia Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Respiratory Problems
Teacher’s Name: Shaghig Chaparian
Grade: 7

Content Area: Biology

Lesson Length (Total Time): 2 periods (50 minutes each)
Analyze Learners
1.    Number of Students: 20
2.    No. of Males/Females: 10 males and 10 females
3.    Age Range:  12-13
4.    Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
    • Disabilities: none
    • Learning Differences: visual learner and text based learners
5.    Current Knowledge, Prerequisites, and Notes about Learner Attitudes:
6.    Learning Styles
    • Visual :  50%
    • Hands on: 50%

State Objectives
·         Working in groups, the students will be able to analyze the different states of the diaphragm, of the chest and of air pressure in the lungs during inhalation and exhalation.
·        After studying the model of the lung, the students will be able to draw a table of comparison between inhalation and exhalation.
·      Following a chart, he students will be able to identify the three stages of breathing with 99% accuracy.
·         Observing a picture of the lung shown by the teacher (picture mounting), the students will be able to summarize the ideas that come to their mind after observing this picture in a small paragraph.
·        By answering some focusing questions asked by the teacher, the students will be able to discuss about ways to keep our respiratory system healthy with at least 90% of class participation.
·         After researching on the internet or in books, the students will be able to explain factors of respiratory problems` Cold, Asthma and Allergies.
·      Playing the Sinnet Game in groups, the students will be able to revise the material of the respiratory system.

Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
1.    Instructional Methods:
<!     ·         Cooperative learning is one of the methods used in this session. It will be used two times. At the beginning of the 1st session (analyzing a model) and at the end of the second session (game). Cooperative learning has positive effects in development of social relationships and communication skills.

<!     ·         Discovery. Studying a model which will be kind of hands on activity and drawing a comparison table based on the study is one of the inquiry methods of teaching a scientific concept. This method provides inquiry skills to the students such as asking questions by themselves, observing, analyzing, and recording data after observation. This method is highly related with teaching of the Nature of Science too. It gives to the students an image of how scientists work, how scientific data is attained and how data are shared between scientists.

<!-    ·         Discussion is the third method used in this session. This student-centered strategy is interesting and challenging for the students. It will give to the class an opportunity for bringing new ideas of keeping our respiratory system healthy.

<!--  ·         Game is the fourth method used in this session. This student-centered strategy gains the attention of the students,  highly engages them into the instruction in an interesting way and provides the chance for the students to revise the chapter.

           2.    Media Used
<!        ·     Model of the lung
·                             Organizational chart of the three stages of breathing
           ·        Picture of the lung
<!-      ·         Sinnet Game

          3.    Materials needed
Model preparation
                                     ·      5 bottles.
<!--[                             ·       10 big balloons
<!--                              ·         Knife (to cut the bottoms of the bottles)
Ø  Chart    (attached)
                                     ·         Organizational chart  of the three stages of breathing prepared by the teacher
                                     ·         Computer
<!--                               ·         Projector
Ø  Picture (attached)
                                     ·         Picture  of the lung
<!                                  ·         2 cardboards
                                     ·         Glue
                                     ·         Scissors
                                    ·         Brown pen
Ø  Game :
                            ·        The box that contains:  the cards of the questions, sticks, 10 pieces for the players, the playing board on the back of the box’s cover, the worksheets and the guidelines.

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

1.  Preview the materials:
Ø   The model of the lung on www.youtube.com/teachers to see if
·         Its usage by the students is easy and safe.
·         It really gives an image of the lung and doesn’t lead to misconceptions of students
Ø Organizational chart on windows word 2007
Ø  Game to see if
·         The questions on the cards match with the learning objectives.
·         It is easy for the students to comprehend the rules.
·     It is attractive to the students.

                   2.    Prepare the materials:
Ø  Models of the lung for each group (5 models)

Ø  The picture of the lung. Stick the picture on the grey cardboard, use the second cardboard to build a frame around the picture. Use the brown pens to write “hold your breath” on the grey cardboard.

Ø  The organizational chart of the three stages of breathing using the Microsoft word 2007.

ØThe Sinnet Game box for each group.

              3.    Prepare the environment:
·         Ask the groups to sit closely. The 20 students will be separated into 4 groups. P.S. the groups will be assigned by the teacher ahead of time to make the groups as heterogeneous as possible.
  • Make you that the lightning and the temperature of the class are comfortable for the students.
·         Check the computer and the projector for displaying the organizational chart of the three stages of breathing.
·         During the demonstration of the picture and the chart, make sure that every student is able to see the picture and the chart.

            4.    Prepare the learners:
·         Distribute the models to the groups.
·         Inform the students the parts of the model that represent the diaphragm, the lung and the chest.
·       Explain to the students what is really required from them to do during observing the model and drawing the comparison table between inhalation and exhalation. That is, tell them that they have to observe the differences in the air pressure at different positions (up or down) of the diaphragm and its relative effect on the stages of the lung.
              5.    Provide the learning experiences:
·        Students study the model and draw table of comparison
·        Organizational chart of three stages of breathing will be presented by the teacher that will include similar data as the table of comparison that the students drew.
·        The teacher will show the picture of the lung and the students will write as small paragraph of their ideas about the picture.
·         The class will have a discussion about ways of keeping the respiratory system healthy.
·         The students will research about factors of respiratory problems` Cold, Asthma and Allergies. They will bring information and images of lungs at these conditions by the next session.
·     During the second session, the students will share their data and with the help of the teacher a chart, representing the factors of respiratory problems, will be prepared in the class. The teacher will be writing the data given by the students on the board. Similar information given from the students will recorded once. Then the teacher will combine the information and categorize them under Colds, Asthma or Allergies in order to construct a chart.
·         The students will play the Sinnet game in order to revise the chapter and write a summary of the key points mentioned in the chapter.

Require Learner Participation
·         Study of the Model and Construction of Table of Comparison: (15 minutes)
Students will study the model of the lungs by observing the differences in the air pressure at different positions (up or down) of the diaphragm and its relative effect on the stages of the lung. Then, they will draw table of comparison based on their study and observation of the model. They will record the data in the table.
  · Presentation of the Organization Chart of the Three Stages of Breathing: (10 minutes)
Organizational chart of three stages of breathing will be presented by the teacher on a screen that will include similar data as the table of comparison that the students drew. Further explanation will be given by the teacher about the inhalation and exhalation processes so that the students relate their findings to the data provided by the teacher and will build a deeper understanding about the stages of breathing.
·         Presentation of the picture of the lung, Students’ analysis and short paragraph writing.  (10 minutes)
The teacher will show the picture of the lung and ask the students will write a small paragraph of their ideas about the picture. In this picture they will notice a difference between a healthy lung and an infected lung. “ … Holds your breath” caption will give an introduction to the respiratory problems that hold the breath of the people who have infected lungs.
·         Discussion: (10minutes)
The class will have a discussion about ways of keeping the respiratory system healthy. Respiratory system will be related to the habits of everyday life such as exercising, getting a well sleep, drinking water and smoking. Also it will be related to the enviomonment such as air pollution and availability of trees.
·         Homework: research (time available: till the next session)
The students will research about factors of respiratory problems` Cold, Asthma and Allergies. They will bring information and images of lungs at these conditions by the next session. Students are free to use the web, books , medical magazines etc..
·         Sharing Data and Constructing a Chart. (25 minutes)
 During the next session, the students will share their data and with the help of the teacher a chart, representing the factors of respiratory problems, will be prepared in the class. This chart will summarize the common factors of respiratory problems.
·         Sinnet Game (30minutes)
The students play the game in pairs to revise the Respiratory system.
For each question let both students answer on their own handout. Even if the write answer is written behind the card, say to your students that you trust them.
After answering, both students will read the correct answer behind the card. The partners will discuss their answers
If students have answered the question wrong, they will write the right answer on the same handout.
 Using the check column on the handout, the students will asses themselves,  by putting a    mark on their correct answers.
     At the end, they will be having a summing up of all the questions introduced in the game. And they may use this handout for revision of Respiratory systems. Therefore, while the students fill their handouts, guide them to write the write answers for it to be a reliable handout for revision at the end of the game. 

Evaluate & Revise

Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:
  1. Student Performance
Rubric for the study of the model of the lung and the comparison table between inhalation and exhalation, in addition to rubrics for the research about factors of respiratory problems are prepared. (attached)
  1. Media Effectiveness
How you evaluate the effective use of the media that you select for this lesson?
  1. Instructor Performance
Students may write a reflection paper for the two sessions. Colleagues, supervisors, coordinators and other educators may evaluate my performance and provide detailed information about my instruction after watching me during the two sessions.

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